I'm in Love With the Shape of You: How to DIY Islamic Geometric Art.

Salaams and hello everyone! How are you? My post today is a creative, hands on one! It's all about how you can make these beautiful, colourful and vibrant canvases using the concept of Islamic geometric art! Below is an easy peesy step-by-step guide on how to create the above masterpiece! You will need: A price tag Canvases Pencil and rubber. Acrylic paint. Metallic paint. Paintbrushes. Plastic sheet/newspaper to cover the surface you're working on. 1. Firstly, on your canvas, draw around the price tag, ensuring you have filled the space. 2. Then, paint the white space around the eight-pointed star in various colours. Make sure you blend the colours properly whilst still wet or else the acrylic paint will dry. 3. After this, outline each eight pointed star with metallic paint to create that sense of "Middle-Eastern" opulence. 4. Repeat this until you have completed the full set of canvases. 5. Finally, arrange in a space and ...