12 Clever Tips to dress in a flash.


Time is of the essence and we seem to be having to fit in more chores, more commitments and more work in the same amount of time.I can't cope under high pressure, so I find the following 12 ideas helpers to keep me calm. 

1. Use clear tubs.
Everything just looks so much neater, you can see exactly where products are, and you can also tell by looking if you're running low on supplies. You don't need to root through  boxes looking for things. Ergo no mess. Ergo no after-cleaning up. This leads me onto my second point.

2. Label boxes.
So you know where everything is. It means that you're not faffing through a whole load of jewellery boxes or shoe boxes looking for what you want.

3. No packaging.
When you buy a new product, take it out its packaging so you're not struggling with it when you need to be ready.

4. Fewer choices.
Do you really need five highlighting palettes? I think not. When you decrease the number of products, you'll spend less time making choices and rifling through stuff.

5. Keep only what you need. 
When you no longer use that foundation, two words: Bin. It. Anything that you've stopped using should be binned because its just clutter in the way.

Keep It Simple Stupid. And I feel as though this mostly applies to my headscarf. I'm not into the whole head-chain, double layers, scarf styling thingy. Plus it's literally just clip the pin and throw the tail over my shoulder. Sorted. You can apply this principle to any item of clothing so that it's fuss-free.

7. Ready to wear clothes. 
If you have any tags to cut, holes to repair, ironing to do, adjustments to make, sleeves to attach, have it all prepped. That way, you're not wasting time.

8. Organise Skincare, Makeup and Jewellery into separate areas. 
This will allow you to think clearly when you're getting ready as different types of products won't be mixed up.

9. Centralise.

If your shoes and handbags are in the same place, there is only place/bag to go to when you're getting dressed. You don't need to panic from cupboard to cupboard searching.

10. Keep pins and grips ready.
So you don't have to let go of your scarf at the last minute when its all ready to be secured into place :P

11. Try a new makeup routine well in advance.
If you're well familiarised with your new makeup routine not only will this make you quicker at it, it will also save you making mistakes which is time-consuming to fix.

12. Unstrap/unclip shoes when you put them back.
So they're ready to slip on straight away :)

Leave a comment below and keep visiting :)

Shai xxx


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