12 Clever Tips to dress in a flash.

Time is of the essence and we seem to be having to fit in more chores, more commitments and more work in the same amount of time.I can't cope under high pressure, so I find the following 12 ideas helpers to keep me calm. 1. Use clear tubs. Everything just looks so much neater, you can see exactly where products are, and you can also tell by looking if you're running low on supplies. You don't need to root through boxes looking for things. Ergo no mess. Ergo no after-cleaning up. This leads me onto my second point. 2. Label boxes. So you know where everything is. It means that you're not faffing through a whole load of jewellery boxes or shoe boxes looking for what you want. 3. No packaging. When you buy a new product, take it out its packaging so you're not struggling with it when you need to be ready. 4. Fewer choices. Do you really need five highlighting palettes? I t...