My Pantry Mini-Makeover in 4 steps.
My pantry had odd jars and had an original wooden shelf. I didn't like the look of this because I like everything uniform, and I felt that the wooden shelf just looked unfinished.
The Makeover.
1. Firstly, I chucked away all the old jars straight away. (I recycled my jars, but they're also really handy to use for children's junk-modelling projects.)
2. I bought the George Home Large Food Containers to fill with dry foods such as rice, cous cous, semolina, breadcrumbs and pasta. You can use these tubs for literally anything at all, from Indian masala (spices), to sweets, to teabags, to ya favourite biscuits. Anything! :)
3. Then, I covered the shelves with grey sticky-back covering. This is great because you can choose any colour and give your shelf an instant revamp. It's so idiot-proof and super-quick to do.
4. Finally, I used these chalk-board labels to make the containers look cool. (They're decorative more than anything, because the tubs are already transparent.) You can find chalkboard labels in so many shops, but searching Amazon for chalkboard labels is probably your best bet!
And there it was :)
If I had more time I would:
1. Paint the walls; it would be so refreshing to turn it from creamy to something white to brighten up the pantry.
2. Replace the trolley I use for tinned foods with wicker baskets, as these look so much more homely and cosy. 3. Use glass mason jars and printed labels because there are plenty of print-ables you can customise for your own foods!
4. Add in fairy lights.
There's a whole plethora of little things you can do to personalise your home. I think it'd be really cute to add a little framed prayer in the pantry, if you're spiritually/religiously inclined.
Do you have any more ideas for a pantry makeover? Leave me a comment below! :)
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