January Detox Challenge: 10 ways to set yourself free!

I was out shopping yesterday and it's amazing how many food products, (or products in general) you can actually do without. Stuff that you fill your trollies with, under the impression that you need it, but in actual fact, is a want. All luxury items like chocolate, crisps, fancy desserts and other non-essentials.
(Yes yes, I know, chocolate is a non-essential?! Ok, quite questionable hehe.

I'm challenging myself to a January Detox Challenge, in the hope that it can open my eyes to what truly benefits me :) Whoop!

I want to be mindful about what I'm eating.

1. When I go shopping, I'd like to be more mindful about buying (and therefore eating) food with good nutritional value.

2. Cutting the cr...isps. When I stop eating extra stuff, I will lose weight. Weight off of my shopping trolley and hips. I find that whizzing straaaaaight past the junk foods aisle helps!

3. Ensure I eat half a plate of fruit or vegetables at every single mealtime. One helpful way to do this is making sure you've got enough of a variety in the home.

4. Reducing food portions. And to stop eating once I'm full!

5. Doing my own research on 'healthy' food. You'd be shocked at how much sugar is in some cereal bars :O


1. Give away all my fussy clothes, jewellery and accessories to charity and only keeping what I actually need.

2. Find my staples. If it's the same clothes, then it's also more efficient in the morning when I'm getting ready for work! :) Less choices=less time taken.

3. Always opting for classics, both in terms of style and colour so that my outfits remain timeless and I don't find myself having to constantly 'update' my wardrobe.

4. Re-using my gowns and dresses. There isn't any shame in wearing the same outfit to a few events if this means that it takes up less wardrobe space and is also saving me money.

5. Reducing 'unnecessary extras' of clothes or accessories. Do I really need 10 summer jackets? Hmmm...!

The core principles behind this detox challenge is that you're streamlining your possessions and making mindful decisions as opposed to buying extra faff where it's not needed. I believe that you can actually free yourself by doing this Detox Challenge, because you'll be making choices that are best for you, and detach yourself from current fashion trends and peer pressure.

I challenge you to detox one area of your life. Are you ready? If so, then click Like, Share and Comment! :)


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