20 things to do at Christmas in Leicester.
1. Dance to Christmas songs.
2. Watch a cheesy Christmas film.
3. Bake some Gingerbread men.
4. Donate some clothes to your local Red Cross.
5. Help at a soup kitchen in a Church.
6. Attend a Christmas fair. Queens Road have an annual fair! And if you missed that one, then there are always fairs being organised at community centres :)
7. Watch a seasonal play at the Curve. Scrooge is on this year.
9. Go to the nearest Church, and ask questions about Christmas.
10. Watch Beauty and the Beast at De Montfort Hall.
11. Bake a cake, and decorate it in a novelty style! Maybe turn it into a Christmas pudding, or a Christmas tree?
12. Attend/Go and see the Christmas Lights switch on in the City Centre.
13. Wrap up a present and give it to your local Church.
14. Volunteer at a hospital, asking them if you can help decorate.
15. Glam up on Christmas Jumper Day.
16. Make a gorj cup of hot chocolate, put Shrek on, and snuggle under a blanket!
17. Take a young member of your family to see the display in Town Hall Square. This year, it's The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
18. Go shopping on New Market Square in Leicester’s Christmas Market, and grab some Christmas cake, or maybe roasted chestnuts?
19. Attend a carol service.
20. Cook your own Christmas dinner at home, with the vegetables and all the trimmings! YUM.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, have a lovely winter holiday and a Merry Christmas to you all :)
What are your favourite activities to do in December?
Check out my Christmas creative writing Revelling in the Christmas Magic here!
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