
Showing posts from December, 2014

Harry Potter and Social Re-birth: Resurrection and Redemption part 1

*Warning* S.A.Sheikh felt like having an Essay Shake. Worst joke. Please tell me you got it. Apologies for the slowness in blog posting; I have been busy with Other Things lately. make up for it, I have decided to publish this extra long one to make up for lost time. And just in time and the whole 'Resurrection' theme for New Years :) I admit, it's actually been edited from my final year dissertation essay, but I've left out The Parts You Use To Pad Out The Word Count. To everyone who scoffs at English Lit graduates... I bite thine thumb at thee. (Which is a really big Shakespearean 'in your face' gesture actually.) I got to write 5000 words on Harry Potter *smug face* Having been translated into 72 languages and sold approximately 450 million copies wordlwide, Harry Potter, published over a span of 10 years, has been a global success. But it has also been met with suspicion. The UAE removed the books as they felt it 'contravene[d] Islamic v...

The Sneaky Scarf Slip...

Don’t you just hate it when you’re eating something, and because of the sheer toughness of the food, or the frequency of the chews, your scarf will gradually move forward and then you’ll resemble something like the offspring of a Dementor because your scarf is flopping at the front of your face. And then it’ll only get worse because some dear Old Lady will ask you, thinking she’s being polite, and and trying so hard to understand Other Cultures; “Hey up dear, is that a new sort of veil you also wear in your religion?” Whilst wanting to explain that being a Muslim and being an Indian are not tied, and simultaneously trying to re-adjust your scarf to its normality, you flap about, quite literally, between wanting to look half-decent and then respond politely to this Old Dear. Here are five fail-safe ways to avoid being the Floppy Mess. 1. Pins are your friends. Wrap your scarf around your head, and then shake your head vigorously. Anything that looks like it would fly off should the ...

Charity Week love

Hello all! This is my first proper blog, so please do bear with. I have yet to discover all the 'fancy' things you can do with all this. You should all know that I'm a paper and pen kind of girl; I don't tend to understand technology to its full potential :) Hence, I have decided to go with a subject close to me. Yep, you guessed right! Charity Week. If I ever have twins, thou shall be most surprised that they won't be named 'Charity' and 'Week'. (So maybe that IS pushing it a tad bit far.)   Here is a little something for all my wonderful, people. *Gasp, clutches heart* “How does Shai know we are wonderful?” I hear you ask be-flabbergasted-ly. Let me offer you my reasoning. The fact that you are interested in Charity Week is testimony to the following:   A) You are not selfish because you dedicate those nuggets of extra time you have in your busy schedule to try and help make the world a better place. (But yes, I was also once a univer...