7 Easter Crafts to make with your little Lambs!
Hello! With Easter soon dawning on us, I've put together a few crafty ideas you can make with your little ones to develop their fine motor skills, their creativity and to just have plain old fun! I've tried to think of crafts which don't require much fancy bits. They'll be things that you'll probably have lying around the house anyway. You don't need to use the exact same products so don't worry if say, you don't have googly eyes. You can just replace with two white circles and black dots marked with a pen. This is just a guidance. Have fun and adapt as you want! Improvise! :) I've been helpful and highlighted the materials in green. 1. Paper Plate Sheep ( www.redtedart.com) 1. Fold a paper plate in half. 2. Draw two rectangles and a circle out of black card. 3. Stick the rectangles to the bottom to make the legs. 4. Stick the circle to the side to make the face. 5. Stick googly eyes onto the face. 6. ...