Dear #MidlandsMassive,I'm glad I gave you guys a grilling. Love you guys :)
I Dear #MidlandsMassive, You will recall that nearly a year ago we had our first ever f2f meeting at University. It was during that meeting that the reps from each team were discussing ideas, throwing out words, and then delegating to the rest of the team what they would like the rest of us to do. Then. Then it was my turn to say something. "Shai...ok. What do you need to say for Team MM?" "Well." And then I became interested in my bag all of a sudden... "THIS is what I need to say. *holding my phone up* Frankly I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of Facebook/Twitter posts and pics. I want live updates. This is the power of social media and communication. We can do better than this. We have a lot of work ...