My reading wishlist from: Urban Outfitters
I usually go browsing in Urban Outfitters, because I like the style of their products and the chilled atmosphere. This wishlist is a collection of books I'd like to read. milk and honey by Rupi Kaur I've read "The Sun and her Flowers" by Rupi Kaur, and her poems deal with immigration, self- love, and femininity. I'm going to be honest and say I didn't fully understand all her poems and felt some of them leaving me underwhelmed. It took a long time for me to get used to such short poems after reading long sonnets by Shakespeare and such, but would still like to read this first collection. Everyday Self-Care Because wellbeing, mental health awareness and self-care are such prominent topics, and as an adult, I need to educate myself on how to take care of myself! I'm intrigued to explore deeper forms of self-care, such as setting boundaries and inner strength. Spark Joy by Marie Kondo I watch Marie Kondo's series on Netflix about tidying up (yes I en...